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Virtual Workshops for Caregivers of T1D Kids

Designed to cultivate the emotional skills you need for T1D management in the real world — all while reducing the impact of diabetes on family relationships. 

Led by JoAnne Robb, these workshops will help you to develop the tools you need to stay sane. Check out the topics below.

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2024 Workshop Package

Five workshops for the cost of three

Our virtual workshops are designed to help you navigate the emotional side of diabetes management for your T1D kid, while taking the nuances of caregiving into consideration. We'll explore tough subjects, focusing on techniques to prevent burnout, to nurture your relationships and to find diabetes calm.This package includes access to the live virtual events. When you buy the Workshop Package, you get access to the live meetings and the recordings until the end of 2024.

  • Caring for the Caregiver (Live on January 19th)

  • The T1D Partner Toolbox (Live on March 22nd)

  • Parenting for Resilience (Live on May 3rd)

  • Beyond the 504 (Live on August 9th)

  • Let Them Eat Cake? (Live on October 25th)

Save 40% and gain access to five comprehensive webinars that delve into strategies for finding balance and easing the emotional toll of diabetes management. You’ll be empowered to navigate the relational challenges of T1D with resilience to find the ease you deserve.


Parenting for Resilience

May 3rd, 2024 • 9:00 PST, 12:00pm EST

We all know that our kids struggle with diabetes, either with the diagnosis itself or with the management.  How can we let them know that we do understand their pain and their challenges?  And if we do that, how can we also guide them towards the diabetes behaviors that we know they need to engage in? 

In this workshop, you will learn a powerful validation tool to help you parent so your child can really feel that you get their experience.  Learn how to listen more carefully to what your kid is saying to you and reflect that back to them so they feel heard.  Research shows that skillful validation is a way to help regulate emotions, something we deeply want for our T1D kids.


Beyond the 504

August 9th, 2024 • 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST

The toolkit you need to build a successful partnership with your T1D kid’s school

Your child has their pencils sharpened, a new lunch box, and a clear set of 504 instructions from their endo. The next big hurdle?  For you to build a relationship with the school to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. What’s the best way to approach your child’s care team? How do you communicate the complex issues of diabetes clearly enough so you’re sure you’re understood? And what do you do when mistakes — inevitably — happen? In this workshop, we will walk you through evidence-based tools to approach your child’s care team so you can have the tough conversations and work towards building the relationship you need to keep your child safe at school. 


Let Them Eat Cake

October 25th, 2024 • 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST

Navigating the landmines with food and eating for our T1D kids.

If you start a conversation about food and diabetes management, everyone has something to say. Questions run the gamut, but the bottom line is that all T1D parents are anxious about how to strike a balance: We know that if we control food, we can have better outcomes with blood sugars, but we also know how disappointing it is for our type 1 kids — already suffering from being different from everyone else — to be told that they can’t eat the cake at the birthday party.

What’s a parent to do? This issue is super complex, and can be especially complicated around the holidays. During this workshop, you’ll learn about the kind of environment you can create at home to support your kids positive relationship with food, along with some information about the intersection between diabetes and eating disorders so you know what to be on the lookout for.   


Putting on your own oxygen mask first feels really hard when you have a kid with type 1.  There’s that feeling that you’re the only one who can do the job right, that you’re the one who understands best how your child responds to certain foods or activities or situations.  And the pressure to get it just right feels tremendous — you worry that if you don’t pay close attention, your child’s long term health is at stake.  Sometimes it’s hard to sleep through the night, let alone step away to take time for your friendships, your relationship, yourself. But that level of hyper-stress really isn’t sustainable — you end up feeling really fragile, like you could crack.  In this workshop, we’ll look at how you can prevent burning out on diabetes management by engaging in more self care.  We’ll work together on how to shift your negative thinking and worry about diabetes to more positive thoughts, as well as strategies for guilt-free personal time. 

The live event has ended but you can still get the recording here:

Caring for the Caregiver

now available on replay


The T1D Partner Toolbox

now available on replay

Having children can be hard on a relationship — but adding type 1 really turns the volume up on the stress. We all want to connect well with our parenting partners, but with diabetes in the mix, there can be extra resentment, tension, or conflict. Join JoAnne Robb, fellow T1D mom and certified couples therapist, for an online workshop that will give you tools and perspective to help you decode your negative relationship cycle and get more positively connected again, even in the face of T1D. 

The live event has ended but you can still get the recording here:

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